Performance Tracking
Welcome to our performance tracker, which is updated once per week.
Last update: Dec 10th, 2022.
My Weekly Stock Performance
Below is the annual performance of our weekly stock picks since 2019.
We measure weekly performance based on an entry at the Monday open and an exit at the Friday close, excluding transaction fees and dividends.
Cumulative and yearly performance assume weekly results are compounded.
The Max Drawdown is the maximum decline observed vs. the highest value of our portfolio at any point in time.
The Hit Rate is the number of weekly winners as a percentage of the total number of weeks.
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Options Trading
We also share our personal trades for educational purposes. We invest in all the weekly stock picks via short-dated, in-the-money options.
We started this tracking in 2022 with an initial investment of $15,000. We never invest more than $15,000 in a given week and often less than that.
We select the option contract, and the position size based on the confidence level shared in the weekly article.
During the week, we publish trade alerts anytime we enter or exit a position, together with the transaction details (entry/exit price, strike price, expiration, and the size of our position).
Read more about our trading approach here.
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Weekly Trades
Finally, below are the details behind all our trades in 2022.
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